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SAVAGE: Rosewood High #3 Page 6

  I spend the day lounging around the pool with my notebook and journal at my side. I found from a young age that if I write down my thoughts I’m able to work through them better. I’m pretty sure learning that is one of the reasons that my past hasn’t screwed me up more than I am. It was only a year or so ago that I got into lyric writing, but I’m becoming more and more obsessed with getting my thoughts down in song form, not just the jumble of words that spew out into my journal.

  I get everything down about my move here and try to make sense of Ethan’s behavior, but even writing it all down doesn’t help me try to figure him out.

  I tap my pen against my notebook as I attempt to put the words I just poured into my journal to lyrics.

  I don’t get a chance to come up with anything because the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway and then a door slamming has me sitting up straight in the lounger.

  “Shit,” I mutter. I had every intention of being locked in my room when he got home from school, but looking at my cell, it seems I lost track of time.

  I quickly gather everything up and run toward the door, hoping that he might stop off at the kitchen on his way to his room. Sadly, I’m not so lucky. As I race down the hallway toward the stairs, he steps out of the home gym, staring at his cell, and I collide right into him. Both of the books in my hand go skidding across the tiled floor along with my cell and two empty bottles with a half-full glass of water. It shatters at his feet after colliding with his chest, soaking his shirt.

  “For fuck’s sake,” he barks. My eyes fly to his, and I retreat a little at the anger within them. He runs his palms over his stomach, trying to dry it off. Realizing it’s a little too late for that, he reaches behind his head and pulls his shirt up and off in one swift move.

  My eyes take on a mind of their own and drop from his to take in his sculpted body up close. If anything, it’s even more defined than I thought it to be from a distance this morning.

  He takes a step forward, and I don’t have a choice but to take one back if I don’t want him crashing into me. Sadly, instead of connecting with him, I do with the wall instead.

  My eyes meet his as he continues to close the space between us.

  His are full of hunger, but not the kind that excites me. The kind that terrifies me.

  “You seem to like looking at my naked skin.”

  “I… I…” Fuck. I hate that he’s turned me into a stuttering mess with his closeness.

  “You want me?” He holds his arms out to the sides like he’s offering himself up to me. But I already know him better than that.

  “N- no.”

  “Really? Because that’s not what your eyes are telling me. Or your nipples.”

  I look down despite the fact that I know that I put a padded bra on this morning and there’s no way he’ll be able to tell what kind of state my nipples are in right now.

  His amused laugh has me looking back up at him. My lips are pressed into a thin line and my pulse thunders in frustration in my neck so hard I’ve no doubt that he can see it.

  “Fuck you, Ethan. I wouldn’t want you if you were the last man on Earth.”

  “Is that right?” He tilts his head to the side and lets his eyes drop from mine in favor of my body. Thank fuck for that padded bra, because the second his gaze lands on my breasts, they pebble beneath the fabric. Traitorous fucking body. “Because I wouldn’t touch you with someone else’s, sweet cheeks. Now.” He leans forward once again, his scent filling my nose, and my mouth waters. He smells like weed, beach, and man. It’s a heady mixture. “Pick up your shit and get out of my fucking way.” His hand slams down in the wall next to my head and I gasp in surprise.

  An evil smile curls at his lips. “You’re too fucking easy, you know that? We’re going to have so much fun, you and me.”

  “Is that another threat? Because I won’t bow down to you.”

  “No, it’s a promise, trailer trash. And don’t worry about bowing, because you’ll already be on your fucking knees with my cock in your mouth.”

  He steps back, accomplishment written all over his annoyingly handsome face while I stand with my mouth open in shock. Did he really just say that to me? I mean, I’ve heard plenty worse but still, does he really think this is how it’s going to go between us?

  I’m too stunned by his words to notice him reach down and pick up my journal until he speaks.

  “Aw how cute. The trailer trash writes a diary about how pathetic her life is.” He flips through it, and I panic. There are things written on those pages that I wouldn’t even want my best friend reading, let alone my worst enemy.

  I launch myself at him, trying to snatch it out of his hands, but being the asshole he is, he holds it high above his head and well out of my reach.

  I’m pretty sure there’s nothing more irritating to deal with being short than someone forcing you to jump like an idiot to get something that belongs to you.

  “You’re a fucking asshole,” I bark, jumping again and hoping like hell I make some kind of contact. When I’m still miles away, I decide on another tactic. One that will be much more fulfilling for me.

  I stop jumping around and stand in front of him, holding his eye contact.

  “You think you’re so fucking clever, don’t you?”

  He shrugs. “I have my moments, sure.”

  “You’re not going to beat me, Ethan. You picked the wrong girl to go to war with.”

  “Is that right?”

  I spot the moment he forgets about what he was doing and focuses too much on what I’m going to say next. I use his distraction to my advantage and swiftly lift my knee until it connects with his cock.

  He grunts, bending forward and dropping my journal to the floor. “Fucking bitch,” he whines as all his breath leaves him and he bends over in pain, dropping to his knees.

  “Now who’s on their knees, bitch.”

  He growls, but he’s unable to do anything other than breathe through the pain as I collect up my stuff, leaving the glass in shards on the floor for him to deal with.

  “Clean up the mess you made, won’t you?”



  Tears burn my eyes as pain radiates from my groin.

  Fucking bitch.

  I should have seen it coming really, and I feel like an idiot for leaving myself open to her abuse. She might show signs of fear every now and then, but she could well be right when she says that I’ve chosen the wrong girl to mess with, because there’s something dark in her eyes. Something haunts her, stops her being afraid when she really should be. I intend on finding out exactly what it is. If I find her vice then I can use it against her to get what I want: my family back, not that bullshit one my dad is trying to palm me off with.

  When I eventually get back to my feet, I stumble my way up the stairs and to my room. I hesitate at her door, but, still feeling the effects of our last encounter, I decide against now being the time to get my revenge.

  Instead, I head for the shower and to change, ready to head to Zayn’s to hang out with the guys.

  It’s been a long fucking week and I’m ready to chill the fuck out with some, booze, weed, and pussy. My body relaxes at the thought alone.

  With my hair still wet from my shower. I slide my feet into my sneakers and pull my door open. I’m expecting to find the hallway empty and her hiding in her room, but the sight of her leaning against her door jamb startles me a little.

  Her eyes stare at mine and then drop down my body once again. She can try and act the innocent with me all she likes, but her body screams that she wants me. A smirk curls at my lips.

  “I’m fine, thanks for asking.”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “Right, well. I’m out, you’re not invited.”

  “Did I ask to be?”

  “No, but even if you did, the answer would be no.”


  I take two steps past her when she says my name.

  “What?” I bark, alre
ady over this little… whatever the fuck it is.

  “You got any weed?”

  “Yeah, plenty. The fucking good stuff too. Thanks for asking.”

  I look over my shoulder. Her next question is right on the tip of her tongue. I can practically see it, but the second she realizes I’m looking at her, she locks it down.

  “Have a good night,” she says instead, turning back into her room and slamming the door on me. My fists clench at how easily she thinks she can hide from me.

  With a shake of my head, I leave both her and thoughts of her behind.

  The guys are already at Zayn’s, seeing as they all went straight from practice. I, on the other hand, thought it would be a good idea to go home first. What a fucking stupid idea that was. My balls are still aching now. Readjusting myself as I walk up toward his front door, my mouth waters in preparation for what I’m hoping to find inside.

  Zayn’s house is smaller than mine, but then that’s not hard seeing as my dad owns one of the largest in the town, but it’s still a decent size. Ignoring most of the rooms, I head toward the back of the house where Zayn’s den is. It consists of a giant flat screen, surround sound, and enough couches and beanbags for the entire team and a few chicks. Just perfect for tonight.

  The guys are already lounging around with bottles of beer in their hands when I walk in. Someone almost immediately throws one to me that I just about don’t catch at the last minute.

  “Where the fuck’s the pussy. We’re division champs—I thought they’d already be sucking you all off,” I say, falling down onto an empty couch.

  “Probably gone home to shave, with a bit of luck,” someone says from behind me.

  I look around at the guys I consider my family, and it’s immediately obvious that two people are missing. I never thought the presence of two people could make that much difference, but without Jake and Mason here, it’s like two of our puzzle pieces are missing. We’re no longer a whole unit, and I hate it more than I care to admit. It almost feels like being at home. There’s a massive piece missing there too, although the two in its place most definitely don’t fit the gaps.

  I drain the first bottle of beer and have made a good start on the second when the sound of the door shutting and the clicking of heels filters down to us.

  Thank fuck for that. I love the guys, but sadly they’re unable to scratch the itch I’ve currently got.

  Being the vice-captain of the squad, Shelly leads her girls in. I don’t get a chance to see who follows her, because the second our eyes connect, she makes a beeline for me. Shelly’s been my go-to girl for a while now. She’s a nice girl, unlike some of the others. Although she’ll still open her legs at the drop of a hat, she is a little more selective of who she gets with. As far as I know, since she started hooking up with me, she’s not been with any of the other guys. At least not that anyone’s admitted to, anyway.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” she purrs, shedding her cropped leather jacket and leaving it on a pile on the floor as she hikes her dress up and climbs onto my lap with her knees on either side of my hips.

  “It’s nice to see you too.”

  She’s wearing a black halter neck dress that’s cut low on her chest, giving me one hell of a view. Her tits aren’t all that big. Ideally, I’d probably like a little more to play with, but I’m not one to complain when they’re thrust right in my face like they are now. Unfortunately, I can’t help comparing them to another slightly larger pair I’ve seen recently, although covered in clothing. The thought pisses me off to the point I consider removing Shelly from my lap. But knowing I need this distraction if I’m ever going to get her out of my head, I leave her be, grinding down on my semi.

  Her lips go to my neck as she grinds down on me. Everyone chats around us and like always, ignoring what we’re up to. This kind of activity is the norm around this group. None of us could be accused of being a prude, that’s for sure.

  It’s not until someone clears their throat that I pay all that much attention to what’s going on around me. When I look up to the entrance to the room, I find someone who is very much not used to our little get-togethers.


  He’s got his arm wrapped around Tasha’s shoulders as he looks around at all of us, the muscles in his shoulders pulled tight as he tries to figure out if coming here was the right thing to do, no doubt. Shane is standing behind him, looking a little more comfortable, but this isn’t really his scene either. He’s never come to hang with us before. Although he’s part of the team, he’s made it his mission to stay as far away as possible.

  “You guys don’t mind, right?” Tasha asks, walking into the room like she belongs. She does, I guess. She’s one of us. Well, she was until she decided to steal Noah right from beneath Camila’s feet.

  “The more the merrier,” Zayn says, slapping Justin on the shoulder to shift up a bit to allow Shane to sit.

  The atmosphere in the room changes instantly. It goes from being easygoing and relaxed to everyone sitting a little straighter and watching what they say.

  “You got any weed, baby?” Shelly whispers in my ear, dragging my eyes away from Noah who looks a bit like he’s about to shit his pants, being surrounded by us. I guess he should have thought about that before sticking his cock in a cheerleader instead of his girlfriend at the time. I guess I can’t be all that mad at the guy—it meant that Mason got what he’s wanted since he knew what a vagina was in the form of Camila.

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?”

  Shelly’s eyebrows pull together. “Uh…”

  “Yes, I’ve got some,” I say, putting her out of her misery when her confusion at my question only gets worse.

  Lifting her up a little, I slip my hand in my pocket and pull out everything I’m going to need to roll us a joint.

  “Take that shit outside, Savage,” Zayn barks, noticing what I’m up to. Rolling my eyes at him, I place Shelly down on her feet and we head for the door. That’s the one issue with this house: the hard no smoking inside rule.

  I pull out two of Zayn’s garden chairs and fall down into one, watching Shelly do the same. Flicking my lighter, I light the joint and put it to my lips. The first hit is like fucking heaven as I feel some of the tension locking up my muscles drift away. I forget about Dad and his new hussy, I forget about school and the upcoming playoff game. I just focus on the here and now. Almost.

  I pass it over to her and watch as she takes a long pull.

  “It’s nice out here, eh?” She makes a show of glancing around at the pool area that’s covered in twinkling lights.

  “I guess.” To be honest, I don’t really give a shit where I am right now. My only focus is to forget.

  I rest my head back and look up at the clear sky. The stars twinkle above me and everything washes from my mind.

  Needing another hit, I drag my head forward and look to the girl in front of me. I find Shelly has propped her foot up on my chair, her legs spread wide open, showing me exactly what she’s not wearing beneath.

  My eyes focus on her pussy, and I bite down on my bottom lip as I wait to see what she’s going to do. Her chest heaves as she tries to read me. Her eyes bounce between mine, but she’s going to be disappointed if she thinks simply opening her legs is going to get me moving tonight.

  She must eventually realize that I’m not all that impressed, because she lifts the fingers of her free hand to her mouth, sucks on them for a second and drops them down between her legs.

  I can’t lie. The sight of her playing with herself before me does stir a little excitement within me, and my cock begins to swell. The more I stare at her, the more I start to imagine her pussy and her fingers belonging to someone else. Someone much more closed off, someone much less willing to put this kind of show on for me.

  “Fuck,” I bark, startling Shelly, her fingers pausing as her eyes narrow on mine, probably wondering what the fuck’s wrong with me. On a usual night, I’d be all over what she’s offering, but I just can’t find i
t in me right now to want to.

  “What’s up, baby? Was practice that tiring?”

  “No, I…” I have no idea what my excuse is. I should be on my knees with my head between her thighs, but right now, it just feels wrong.

  When I make no move to touch her, she pulls her hand away and stands. She unties the knot behind her neck and allows the fabric covering her tits to fall to her waist.

  “I know you’re more of a boob man.” She cups herself, standing only inches from me, and her head falls back as she pinches her nipples. “You know, Ethan, you’ve never fucked me outside before. I think maybe tonight is the night under the twinkling stars. It’s so romantic.”

  “I don’t do romance,” I bark, keeping my eyes on what she’s doing to herself because she’s not wrong. I’d do pretty much anything for a good pair of tits. These aren’t the ones you want, a little voice says in my head. I shake it out, trying to focus on the here and now, because although my head’s not in the game, I really could do with the release she’s offering me.

  She leans forward, her hands pushing my hair from my face and angling my head so she can kiss me. When her lips drop to mine, I don’t push her away. I want to want this. I want her to distract me from my crazy thoughts and make me want to fuck her into next week. It’s what I need. What my body craves. But still, I don’t react the way I want.

  She pulls away, kissing across my neck, her hand dropping down over my abs until she rubs at my cock over the fabric of my pants.

  “Come on, Ethan. Where’s my big boy, huh?” she purrs in my ear, and it’s the final straw. I stand with such force that she stumbles back, landing on her ass with a thud.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” When I glance up, I notice that we’ve got an audience. Or more, Shelly’s tits do as half the team are staring at her as she sits there, exposing herself. I hold my hand out for her and pull her from the ground. “Cover up, you look like a dirty slut.” With that said, I storm around the side of Zayn’s house and down his driveway.